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National Golf Month – Top Tip 3

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National Golf Month – Top Tip 3

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Wouldn’t it be great if EVERY month were National Golf Month? All those new faces visiting the club and spending money – running golf clubs would be a breeze!

Sadly, it will end on 31st May and its success rests on the impact it has thereafter.

In the lead up to the initiative, we’re running a series of tips and strategies that can ensure the legacy of National Golf Month lives on at your club.


KEEP COMMUNICATING and then communicate some more!

With so many new faces visiting the club, you can be lured into the sense that you’ve cracked it. However, when National Golf Month finishes you’ve got to keep the momentum going.

The only way you can achieve this is to keep communicating with your National Golf Month visitors.

– Create email newsletters with newsworthy content targeted directly at the National Golf Month participants.
– Get on social media and target your newfound leads with more newsworthy content.
– Find the time to give them a call and ask them how they enjoyed their experience at the club.
– Show real-life examples of people who first used the club during National Golf Month and went on to become golf addicts.
– Resist the temptation to bombard them with offers. Remember, it’s as much about ‘engagement’ as it is about promotions.
– Don’t stop communicating – not for a good 8 to 10 months at least. People may put you on their backburner immediately after the event, but they can still be won over.

And remember; take lots of photos during the month. You’ll need these for your newsletters and social media communications.

Missed last weeks tip? CLICK HERE to read it now.

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